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"And then?"
Harv: (sighing) "I went to work for the ILL. Bell telephone co in December
of 1945, and we started having a normal life. A couple years later our first daughter Teri was born...a wild one, but such a sweet blessing."
"But obviously the Navy was never to far away in both you and your wife's mind?"
Harv: "True enough....In 1947 (April I think), both my wife and I decided to sign up for the Naval Reserve. It meant extra money and what the heck we thought. Man! We were on inactive duty, but when the "police action" in Korea started, I was called up to active duty once again (9-26-1950)."
"And here we go again...."
Harv: "Yes sir! I was flown from my home town to Chicago to be sworn in and then flown to over San Francisco and put aboard the ARSD USS Gypsy. We went directly to Pearl Harbor, and it was there that I was put aboard the USS Lipan (a sea going tug)."
"So once again you were put into a position of support for your countries military. Don't tell me, you had to go via your old friend Japan once again, yes?"
Harv: "(Smiles) I knew we would have to get there some how! We sailed right away for Japan and we landed at a little port called Sasebo. We were surprised to see that the Japanese were very helpful and kind to us. Remember, we just Nuked the daylights out of two of their cities not 5 years before, but it seemed as if that never happened now."
"And then off to Korea?"
Harv: "Yes. First to Pusan and then to Inchon, and a bunch of other ans and chons. We were involved in several invasions and evacuations of different ports. My little tug was the
first to go in and the last to leave in these actions. "
"Give us an idea of what it was like here...."
Harv: "Well, (thinking) these ports were not equipped with docks or anything else. Our job was to tow in and place large and long barges to be used as docks to unload troops and supplies.
Luckily the Korean's were not very good with their shore guns, as we were only slightly damaged. When we were involved in evacuations, we were expected to be sure that all troops and equipment were off the beach and then take the barges in tow. It was only then that we could leave."PG1 | PG2 | PG3 | PG4 | PG5 | Main
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